
Saturday 4 August 2007

Adam Gadahn - Old Threats

Lip service Liberals, does this sound like the voice of tolerance? If this guy wins, what then. Do you think we will be able to campaign for an end to female circumcision? Or how about civil liberties for oppressed people over sea's? How about gay rights? Or a womans right to choose? Do you think Burning man will still be held? WHAT ABOUT THE Kalasha?...IF THIS GUY WINS...WHAT HAPPENS TO THOSE RIGHTEOUS CAMPAIGNS...WE MUST RESIST....WHILST WE HAVE THE STRENGTH TO..DON'T BE TOLERANT OF INTOLERANCE!! DON'T BE PASSIVE AND LEAVE THE DEBATE AND PLANNING TO THE FAR RIGHT AND NEO NAZI'S...FOR DOWN THAT PATH SURELY LIES THE ROAD TO HELL.....YOU HAVE A VOICE..SPEAK UP BEFORE IT'S TO LATE!


Always On Watch said...

Interesting that Gadahn mentioned Virginia Tech. The other references were clearly to acts of Islamic terrorism.

Did you notice the sing-song tone in his voice throughout much of the tape? Almost as if reading a bedtime story to a child.

And those hand gestures--much like those of OBL.

WATCHER71 said...

He does sound a little know like the poor fat kid at school who's balls dropped late...and used to get the shit kicked out of him....daily!

Nah he's a marionette clearly..couldn't you see OBL in the background pulling the strings...

LOL! Sing-a-long-a-Jihadi...that's his terror code name....

I mean at first he's saying they're kicking our butts....and then in the next sentence he's effectively begging for a withdrawal....

Re Virginia Tech....well it's in their nature to revel in loss of life and bloodshed....rather than mourn it...Didn't ya know Allah destroyed the bridge....

PAS needs a talking to re post...